Welcome to the homepage of the Tranny Bake-A-Thon! This is an event where transgender, intersex, genderqueer, genderfreak, genderfunk and "what-freaking-gender-are-you" people and friends gather to bake fun, freaky cookies and have a blast!

Tammy Faye
Tammy Faye mascot cookie

This event started with three of us: da Wacker (email: michellewacr at gmail dot com), Testika Filch Milquetoast (email: jpjscogar at yahoo dot com) and me, BrianKate (email: thesacredsideshow at gmail dot com) -- all three of us happily hard-to-classify gender-freaky folks!

Around Christmas 2000 Tess and I visited da Wacker to help hir make cookies for relatives. A bit bored with making traditional ginger-people, we got silly with the decorations & next thing we knew, we'd made a ton of ginger-transpeople of all sorts of genders.

Since then we've been doing Tranny-Bake-A-Thon every year, with various cool people adding to the fun. A year or two ago we decided someone should take pictures of the cookies and any of our outrageous costumes. And we've finally got a website for the Bake-A-Thon so other folks can enjoy our cookie fun and maybe even get inspired & as we would so love other people to do this at other places and have it catch on. Bon(er) appetit!

Gallery 2006: The first year we have photos of our cookies.
2007: The first year we decided to make T-shirts. The shirts here are the "official" mascot of the Bake-a-thon, a Tammy Faye shemale cookie in a blue mink, all made with 3-D icing.
Gallery 2008: We had Wacker make us “Shémale” shirts, just like the one you might’ve seen on a certain episode of “Arrested Development.” As in pronounced “Shuh-mah-lee.” Like the line “it’s a Shémale. It’s a designer original.”
Gallery 2010: We all got shirts made from whatever queer words could be made out lettering sheets you get at the craft store.
Gallery 2011: "our Tenth Anniversary and Cynthya BrianKate's Tranny Quinceanera (Sweet 14") PParty
Gallery 2012: "MAcabre Faire grim Gath2ering">
